Sunday, March 9, 2008

Pre Florida Trip Workout

Try and get in one of these workouts before you go to Florida

Day 1:

  1. Squat Jumps 3 x 3

  2. Rack Pulls: Work up to a five rep max

  3. 1 arm DB rows 3 x 6

  4. Alternate medicine ball push ups 3 x 8

  5. DB Lunge 3 x 6

  6. External rotations 2 x 10

  7. Ab Circuit

  • Swiss ball Crunch

  • DB side bend

  • Hanging leg raise

  • 3 x 15 each

Day 2:

Dot Drills: 3 x 10s
Dumbbell or Trap Bar Jump Shrugs: 3 x 5 (explosion emphasis)

Warmup 10 reps

55% x 5

64% x 5

70% x 5

73% x 5

76% x 5

79% x 5
Floor Press: Workup to 5 RM
Chin-Ups: 1 x max reps, then 4 sets of 1/2 max reps
External Rotations (plate or DB): 2 x 15
Pull Thrus/ Ab superset: 3 x 15

One set of pull thrus followed by one set of abs whatever you choose

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